Case Study
To enhance brand recall and associate SKORE Condoms with the message of safety in a memorable way that stands out in the cluttered conversation around World Aids Day.
To drive meaningful engagement and conversation about safe sex without being lost as just another condom brand promoting safety, while operating within a constrained budget.
Capitalizing on the high search volume of adult content on YouTube, we identified an innovative way to reach an audience actively seeking adult entertainment, a context where the message of safety is most pertinent
We executed an ad-hack by creating a 10-second un-skippable pre-roll ad on YouTube that mirrored the platform's age restriction template, capturing viewers' attention at a moment when they were most receptive to messages related to adult content, thereby seamlessly integrating SKORE's safe sex message.
Appears only those who search
adult content

This strategic and unorthodox approach paid off significantly, earning SKORE Condoms 90,187 YouTube views with a view rate of over 32%, spiking website traffic by 10%, and boosting purchase intent by 82% in just one day. The campaign not only achieved outstanding engagement metrics but also earned recognition with a Kyoorius Advertising Award for Best Branded Content in Digital Media + Native Content, proving that smart, contextually relevant content can turn a vice into impactful advice.